August 24, 2024

cool and calm

 Just perfect.  Though I am sad.  I think the Hummers have left for the season.  I have not seen a single one this morning.  I have been expecting it, because they have been feeding like crazy for a day or too and fighting for a place at the table.  That is what they do.  Long trip ahead,  See you next season. God speed your journey,  

Nice and pleasant on Balcony. I have cleaned out some spent flowers and thinking how pretty they once were. September is a good month to me.  I like the time of change to a feeling of closing in.  Tired old summer clothes and something new.  I have nothing new to wear, but I can put on a new attitude.  I had a big let down yesterday.  A dear friend is very ill and I cried for her.  And prayed too.  Always. 


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