August 14, 2024


 I tried to chose the color of coffee.  Pretty close with cream, as I like it.  Coffee from L & J is gone and I am back to Kroger.  Pretty good.  I guess I am not too "picky".  

I heard two Cicadas singing to each other.  One in the Pines and one from the front of building.  Sounds lonely.  I guess the heat and lack of rain has affected the mass of them we usually hear.   It always reminds me of my school days a long time ago.  

That reminds me of my breakfast, I get around to that usually. BLUEBERRIES.  I have the best ones now. I remember wild ones long ago.  They are grown commercially now and are very different.  But blackberries were very good as we picked them wild.  Plumbs too were picked wild and jelly was good. Truman had 2 or 3 Blueberry bushes on Riverwood.  He had fun fighting the Blue Jays for his crop.  They loved them.  He covered the bushes with netting and one would always fight him every morning as he went out early to pick the ripe ones.  It was a race for the Gold.  He managed to have them on oatmeal a few times.  I made  a cobbler or two.  Did not know sugar was bad for us both.  

My little Blog is simple, and boring, but it is what it is---mine.

BETTY (have always ben that way)

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