August 13, 2024


You would think I had already learned this lesson.  I slept pretty good and long, I guess I "needed it".  Celebrated with an old favorite I had almost forgotten.  My version of French Toast. Very good when everything goes right.  You know me, I can mess it up sometime.  Brought out a beautiful large white egg. A saucer that I knew was too small.  But I felt lucky and daring this morning. The egg came out of the fridge and on to the counter and "PLOP" it slipped through my fingers and landed on the floor.  Now clean up a broken egg at seven in the morning and balance not so good. is a challenge.  I have major trouble bending over.  But with  few paper towels, and some wet, I got it cleaned up and sat down a while. Determined to have that French Toast, I tried it again.  Lesson learned and brought that egg to a beautiful completion.  With sugar=free everything it was good.  (and I learned a lesson too.  Be careful, eggs have a mind of their own and are determined to break too soon.  

BETTY (little lessons make life easy) BOOP


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