August 10, 2024


 My can is almost used up.  I had fun with it. I made  a flower holder from the  can for fun.  It looks so cute and pleased me.  Lot of interest in the product now.  Have you noticed.  If you can find a WW11 vet, ask him about it.

How about the change of the weather?  So nice that I had trouble coming inside.  Hold on, the Summer is not over yet. I am having a little desire to write again.  A project I have thought of a lot in the pass.  I want to write it by hand,  but my hands will not let me write long and very well anyway.  My dream may not come true, but I can think about it.  Nothing spectacular but my dream.

BETTY(cost nothing to dream) BOOP

p.s. Love the Song  DREAM, DREAM, DREAM. bet you don't know that one?

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