August 4, 2024


Had a troubled night.  I kept getting cold.  I finally put another layer of blanket on.  Got warm and then of course overslept a bit.  I guess she needed it, as we say.  Anytime I do a lot brain work, It punishes me by not wanting to turn off at bedtime,  J. & Mr. T. do so much for me and we had lost a little time during their vacation, so things stack up a little.  I like to keep them informed even though some is really not needed, I am very careful to let them know what is going on.  So here we are.  I decided it was too warm to enjoy the Balcony this morning.  Running a little late, the sun got there first.  

Anyone who sees a can of  Spam on my shelf raises an eyebrow.  Does it look good to you on TV?  I just had to RETRY it.  I will have to let you know what of the many things I will do with it. In your eggs? On a sandwich? salad, stir fry, on and on.  Can't wait.

BETTY (draw the line --Spam in Pie) BOOP

pps. unless you call Quiche  Lorraine pie!! 

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