August 12, 2024


 I should know better than to get my hopes up for hearing better in Church or any crowd.  The volume is great but the background is not.  I have talked to many others with the same problem.  I guess that should tell me something.  It is a problem that can't be fixed.  I am so let down. I realize that I still have much to be thankful for.  Many came to me after Church to tell me they were glad I could be there and they missed me.  It was the first time I had Communion brought to me in my pew. I am not sure enough to go down.  Another thing to give up.  But just to go and be in the company of many friends was worth it.  

My it is great on the Balcony.  But the sun is up and shinning., so it will get hot again.  I grabbed my somewhat sharp cutters and started to give those tall  Zinnias a good haircut.  They are about gone anyhow and looked so ready to give up.  Watered them good and hope they feel better.  

Monday, Monday, time to get going,  have little mundane things I should do.  Help me.

BETTY (always asking for help) BOOP

ps Where is my pride? 

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