August 20, 2024

WOW !! 74 degrees on the Balcony

 How wonderful.  Don't expect it to last, but enjoy this false Fall weather as we get it. I had "chilly bumps" and it felt good. Oh, these old sayings.  I wonder if that one is Southern ?  Probably.  I used to take offense with people laughing at Southern  wording.  But not anymore.  I am proud to be what I am.  As a whole, I think we Southerners are much more congenial and accepting of others.  The ones I know are.  

Enough of that!!!  My flowers are fading, what will I do?  I have  a few little brave ones hanging on.  I will miss real flowers, no matter how few I have had.  You should see my Hall Table.  CATS, CATS, Cats.  I have had some nice comments.  I like the display so far.  Jan is bringing me a couple more  Don't want to do too much and make it "tacky".  Another Southern saying.  My Dictionary says "tacky" means   hillbilly, shabby, and of all things inelegant did not know that was a word, or poor taste,  SO BE  IT.  

BETTY (guess I am  "tacky" ) BOOP

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