March 13, 2015


So what else is new?  I think it will be gone by tomorrow.  I hope Jan comes.  I think she will.  News this morning that a certain resident lost control of car and knocked a lamp post down on the outside road in front of me.  Made a dent in his car and he was said  to be a little sore today.  You think?  No damage to anyone else.    New menu  at Cyber starting Monday.  They had a tasting of new items but I missed it.  Oh well, I will see it soon.  The orange sherbet muffins were  flop==I trashed them.  Not the first time I have done that.  I will stick to my tried and true goodies for my Coffee Club. 


Thank goodness it is Friday.
don't know why.
just thought it sounded good.

Betty Boop

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