March 5, 2015


We do get excited.  Maybe for nothing here in the middle of the state.  Met a resident going from breakfast who said after looking at the small scatter of ice--"Is there enough shaved ice  to make a Margarita."  It looked like just enough,  That was early(7:00.)  Could go either way.  I am staying in and looking out.  Here is my last poem for March issue about LEPRECHAUNS.


                                                                                                                 By Dot Ellis

Is your little coat red
Or is it green?
Either one, it is said. 
And are you nice or mean?

A cobbler according to Folk Lore,
Mending and making pointed toed shoes.
I looked on Google-to learn more.
Of the stories I read, I was amused.

Are you three feet or four?
Do you play mean and silly tricks?
That you are a fairy, I pick.

I like to believe in the rainbow,
And it's shiny pot of gold..
I will keep searching and so-
To my dreams I will hold.               Here is the one for April.  Haven't run it by my "publisher" yet.  So you are the first to read it


As I was walking down the street,
A pretty little girl I chanced to meet.
I asked,"Where are you going,
"Come see," she said,  "I 'm just-a-roving."

That sparked my interest, don't you know.
I fell in step as off we go.
Up and down and around---I'm lost.
Still intrigued--at any cost.

Suddenly we came upon a big hole.
In we went so very bold,
To beauty you can't believe,
Eggs!!every color you can conceive.

Welcome to Easter Egg Land,
She announced with such glee.
It's location must be banned.
Never disclose what all you see.

I'll keep it a secret, as best I can.
Though it is hard to do.
You see, my imagination got up and ran.
What you believe is up to you!!!!

April 2015  Dot Ellis

O well, it is the best I can do.
Betty Boop