February 3, 2018


I really do enjoy this Saturday breakfast group,  It is a mix of different personalities.  So interesting how the subjects vary.  This morning over the best ham and scrambled eggs, we talked of the Super Bowl and the pot luck food to watch the game on a big screen here.  All were going to watch at their apartment.  Me too.  At least the commercials interest me.  Next came the discussion of the next History club as the leader was at breakfast.  I may have to miss it due to Bitsy's appointment with a  special Dr. to find out why she has these bad itching fits.  Can't find out what causes it.  I am hoping to fit it in so I can go to the history club.  It sounds interesting.  Then we had a discussion about the bacon and cheese at the old grocery store in Philadelphia.  Been there for about 100 years one said.  I think that is right.  Then on to honey and its merits.  Where to buy and for what reasons.  So you see why I enjoy it.  Three men and three ladies were there.  Good mix.  Good start--the sun is shining for now.

Betty Boop

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