October 10, 2018


Yes Fall is coming.  I promise.  I woke up at 6 and decided to get up and get started early for a change.  I still could not move very fast.  Since this is a day void of extra activities, I decided to go let someone else cook my breakfast.  I carefully avoided company, as that is a little early for chit chat.  Eggs over light were perfect and so was the bacon and rye toast.   Brought coffee up to the Balcony and enjoyed the change in weather.  I prayed for my granddaughter and her family on the Florida coast.  I think they will miss the worst part of the storm that is supposed to hit today. 

Yesterday was nice at the over 90's party.  Jan, Tommy. and Amy came.  We had a delightful program of music and went down memory lane a bit.   We also had champane punch and delightful sweets(I passed up).  I noticed a friend who is also diabetic, just chowing down on her muffin.  How does she get away with it and I can't? I had a bite and it was so good.  Well, here I go to a "do nothing day."



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