April 26, 2019


 Bet you hoped I had forgotten the lonely Canada Goose?  No, but this may be the last chapter.   As I sat  in the Bubble,finishing my breakfast coffee while my apartment is being cleaned, I saw the "lonely" goose floating slow and looking at the pair  that were approaching.  They saw him too and must have smelled trouble.  They cut their swim short and jumped to the bank and headed for the grass.  Lone Goose followed at a safe distance.  As they came to the pine thicket, they cut across and disappeared into the shade.  Lonely Goose turned the other way, not wanting another flogging and headed for the road to the other lake. He stopped, however and looked back before crossing-- to a female coming toward him.   My she was a pretty sight as she swayed toward him.  Love at first sight.  She joined him and they  strolled across the road to the small lake by the houses.  I think he found just what he wanted and needed.  I hope this is also the happy ending to a mostly made up story of my crazy imagination.  THE END

On to other things.  Jan is on the plane as we speak, flying toward her grandchildren for a visit, Tommy will follow later.  I will miss them for over a week,  Hope they have fun and I know they will.  Amy took  me to have my toenails clipped yesterday.  Can't do it any more so, being diabetic, I really must be careful--Doctor's orders.  I try to and believe they know more than I do, so theses things have to be done.  I am pretty high maintenance.  Am I worth it?  I sure hope so.

Betty Boop


Anonymous said...

I have been told that they mated for life.

Dot said...

Yes, I heard that also. How interesting.
Dot (Betty Boop) Who are you?

Anonymous said...

My name is Ivey. I read your blog sometimes as I leap frog around the internet.