May 18, 2019


I could stay all day on the Balcony.  So peaceful, cool. and plenty to look at. I just saw a happy couple walking.  Her in the front and him keeping up from behind. Walking at a pretty good pace.  Good for them.  Truman was too fast for me.  At the YMCA he was dubbed as the fastest of all.  Then I saw another walker on the other side of Lake.   Soon the construction that has been going on a long time will be finished and the walk will open again so you can walk around the Lake again.

I saw Mr. Hawk trying to buzz my balcony. I think he saw the bread crumbs I put out for Bitsy's  sparrows.  She looks for them each morning.  Being as small and still as she can. My neighbor tosses Ritz crackers  over the balcony for the hawks and other birds join in.  He seems to get a kick out of that.  So whatever turns you on, I say.  (maybe a poem title in there)  I seem to need something to start me writing more.  Give me a title, someone.

Betty Boop


Anonymous said...

You have a lot to write about. SCV is a beautiful place. I live in the woods. My patio overlooks a small pond and I usually have my first cup of coffee out there when the weather is nice. I have squirrels that have no fear of humans. Ivey

Dot said...

You live in the woods? How wonderful. Kind of like "On Golden Pond" ? Enjoy. Betty Boop