November 28, 2019


Many things to be thankful for.  Can't begin to name them all.  Every day brings so many blessings.  I try and can't remember Thanksgiving as a child.   How sad because with the Mother I had, I am sure she made it special.  She was such a good cook and loved cooking for family.  I do remember when my children were small and they helped decorate everything in sight.  Napkins and plates were colored and things they made in school were used.  Excitement of the times we had Truman's parents and mine to dinner.  Later when we had TV, the parade and looking for St. Nick to ride in and wave.  I know my memories are scattered.  Today I eat at St. Catherine's.  But tomorrow we , the ones in town will be at Sophie and Paul's  house for a second dinner. Whatever the make up of people,  we will have a good time.  The thing is-just get with some family and friends and be thankful. 

Betty Boop
P. S. How much do you really like turkey? 

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