July 22, 2015


Of course I brag.  Someone asked if I bragged about Pizza Shack and their owners?  That's what I do.  It's my job.  Breakfast this morning was (wish I had a phone camera sometime)  ham, scrambled egg whole wheat toast and coffee.  It looked and tasted so good.  If I had a camera  on the phone, I would probably run you off.  It is  hard enough just reading this nonsense, but the pictures I would take would just probably be things you could do without seeing.  Like Bobbie and her worker this morning had on cute little chef type hats.  She looked embarrassed ,  I thought they looked cute with their new black and white stripped aprons. 

Exercise this morning, then a little ironing(which I love to do.)  See I told you I am weird.  Ironing takes be back to my childhood, when my Mother would let me iron,  I felt real "big", which was a hard thing for me.

Betty Boop


Unknown said...

You are too sweet! We appreciate you bragging about us!
And since you love to iron, I should bring you a couple items of mine for you to work on. You know, because it makes you happy to iron. . . Not because I dislike it so much.

Just kidding of course. I love you,
Mary Grace

Anonymous said...

Bragging about Pizza Shack is allowed. The one in Byram is AWESOME!