February 14, 2017


 A real "bummer",  I mean it.  Lettie and I got mixed up on our lines and timing.  We will do better tonight with the real thing, I hope.  I have been stressed out with several things going on and I did not do my best.  I guess I need to cut back on some of the things I do and realize I can't do it all anymore.  When things get to be hard and not as much fun--it is time to take a closer look and chose wisely.  One good thing, Betsy is home and doing good.  Eating like a little pig.  I noticed on her Dr's report that she weighed 6 pounds.  I told her to slow up or we would put her on a diet.  She is all cured of her trouble, I hope, and is back to her sweet, playful, and loving self.  Needy for petting too.  I missed her and can't thank Mary Grace and Amy enough for all the help they gave me in taking care of her. 

Next week and after the PLAY, Ryan is going to help me install a new computer and I have bought a new printer.  I missed my old one I left behind when I moved.  We are waiting till next week to do this.  Too much is going on right now.  Can't take in too much. 

HAPPY VALENTINE"S Day  I miss trading them with Truman.  His were always a surprise.  Sometime sweet, sentimental and sometime funny.  Once we met up at CVS buying each other's and did not know the other was there.  We always managed to keep them hidden from each other before the Day.  Don't know how since I am a snoop.  I kept many of them.  Want to see them?  O. K.

Betty Boop

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