August 16, 2018


Do you hear what I  hear?  Another song  title.  No, really I think I heard a cicada singing  Is it too early?  No I think they start up in late August.  I always equate it to school starting.  But it is still hot and does not feel like Fall is anywhere near.  Poor kid start school so early now. Ah! school days.  Another batch of memories.  I have many.  Memories of always being the smallest in class.  One embarrassing memory you may remember me telling.  My feet would not reach the floor while sitting at my desk.  First or second grade.  My teacher had them bring a couple of bricks to put my feet on.  It worked, although I remember standing out for the wrong reason.  It was thoughtful of the teacher, but embarrassing  for "little Dot." I don't think I ever got used to being the shortest in every group picture., but I got to always stand on the front row.  It is still that way and it is getting worse.  With age marching, swiftly on I am only four feet tall now.  Makes me stand taller.  I still have pretty good posture.  Dr. Ford said yesterday because of my glaucoma I was fortunate to still even be here.  Can't figure that to be true, because I have several things going on that could shorten my days.  I often ponder why?  Why am I still here and living as well as I do.  It is not my place to ask why.  Just live the best I can and to be happy where I am.
Proverb that I love:  Proverbs 16:31. Long life is the reward of the righteous; grey hair is a glorious crown.


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