August 20, 2018


Bright and sunny, so far.  These rain storms seem to come up out of nowhere.  Although predicted, they seem surprising . Yes I heard a choir of Cicadas this morning.  Fall is on it's way, something you can count on. The change of seasons.  I am glad I live where the seasons are very pronounced.

Bright and sunny.  No sign of rain, but it seems to come out of nowhere, even when it is predicted.  I really heard a choir of Cicadas this morning.  Fall is on it's way.  Glad I live where seasons are so defined.  A sense of knowing what to expect pleases me.  Like my surgery on my gums tomorrow.   I have been thinking about it long enough.  Let's do it.  At least I know what to expect.  Just hope it goes as good as the first one.  It is Tuesday at 11.  Think about me then.

Betty Boop

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