October 11, 2020


The Balcony lures me each morning.  Rain or shine-hot or cool-I am ready to go.  Like getting "out."  Whole different world from inside. I had oatmeal with banana this morning at breakfast.  Have you ever toasted whole wheat bread under the broiler with a slice of Gouda cheese melted on top? Delish!!  Love Gouda,  I found a dry spot on the Balcony and enjoyed my own company.  Ever thought of these times when we spend more time alone, when you have time to think? It can be good to examine yourself and get to know that you can be pretty good company.  Of course too much can go a long way and people who need people are the lucky ones.  Some get along better alone. So we are all different.  I like being alone sometime.  How about you? 


P.S.  Bitsy loves to be with me,  Follows me when she is awake and watches every move I make.  Bothered me when I first brought her to live with me.  Not anymore. Bitsy watches through the screen and wants to go out too. Wish I felt at ease to let her go on Balcony, but I don't.


Anonymous said...

Your balcony sounds lovely. I would sit on my patio more often if there were some humans to observe. I have seen people put a harness of their cats to take them outside. Wonder how Bitsy would like that. Ivey

Dot said...

Good idea for Bitsy. I had one for my last cat-Penny, but she would not take to it. Only would lay down when I put it on her. Maybe I needed more patience. Yes my Balcony is my salvation, especially now. Dot-- Betty Boop