October 26, 2020


58 was not too bad till a little breeze took over.  Finished my rye toast and turkey bacon fast and hurried inside.  I also had oatmeal with stewed Gala apples.  Very good.  Made the apples myself.  I don't mind cooking my breakfast and sometime other times too, but I sure make a mess to clean up.  So easy to go pick-up in dinning room.  Some day soon, I hope, we will be able to gather at tables for four chatting with friends.  

November is coming soon.  I will take the Halloween deco down and put up Thanksgiving. My crazy old turkey is gobbling as I pass the cage where she lives.  She loves her time to come out and be a part of my hall table decorations.  Leaves and pine cones, and other dried stuff that I have saved over the years.  Doing this for friends to see, gives me purpose and fun to do. I am all for a little fun!!!


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