May 27, 2023


Woke at 4 am. Thoughts filled my feeble brain. Had a few troubles to work on. Assisted Living--here I come. My thoughts led me to early coffee. How I used to think over coffee before I went to work in my early days. I had a first cup at 6 this morning before breakfast. Different for sure. I saw the sun rise. You should see that big ball of red, orange rise. It is amazing. I then fixed my breakfast. Highlighted by a lovely English Muffin (whole wheat of course). Good with sugar free strawberry jam. My thoughts wandered to the early days of a young unexperienced girl, going to work, right out of High School (Central High, class of "44.) The girls I worked with were from small Mississippi towns and knew more about life than a "city" girl did. They set their caps to teach me. I even smoked a "cig" in the bank vault. First and only one I ever smoked. I thought I was "cool." Those girls were amazing to me and set about and tried to teach me many things. I learned no bad habits, being brought up "proper." And as the old saying goes. I am still in the dark about a lot of things. No cigs or  booze either--never.

Oh well, daughter # 2 coming this morning and help me get through a few little problems.  So, I do need plenty of assistance, 

BETTY (hope to stay where I am happy" ) BOOP

p. s. always looking ahead 

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