February 16, 2021

12 to 15 as I watched

The sun came out and gave it a boost.  That is still very cold.  Ice thick on Balcony.  I saw one little bird hopping on the ice below.  Searching for breakfast.  I was tempted (for a moment) to toss bread out, but knew not to even step out for fear of  slipping, now I know better than that.  I had blueberries in my oatmeal.  Thought of one of my favorite children's books, BLUEBERRIES FOR SAL.  Remember?  Loved all those Sal books.  The drawings were so good.  Wish I could draw like that.    My drawings are beyond childlike. I am always wishing for something else.  I must work on that.  Right now I wish for a day filled with good surprises and lot of sunshine.


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