February 24, 2021


I am thrilled.  Hope they like the new house.  We will see.  Up early to get blood test for appointment tomorrow.  Jan picked me up and took me and it went well.  Hope everything is good for tomorrow.  Getting up early is no problem--but no breakfast till later is hard.  I got a treat when we went by Chick-Filet' for a wonderful English muffin, egg, sausage, and cheese and  double coffee.  Took it home and ate on Balcony.  Whee!!!  and as I drank the second cup, I noticed a Blue Bird checking out the new house under my balcony.  Sure hope it suits them and I can see them build a nest and raise babies up close.  I was excited to be "out".  Things change so fast and I hardly knew where I was.  But time goes on.  Remember the song? AS TIME GOES BY?  You must remember this; a kiss is still a kiss, a sigh is still a sigh, the fundamental  things of love, AS TIME GOES BY.


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