February 28, 2021


Could not be more perfect.  Sun is coming out and a gentle breeze is blowing.  

Could not be more perfect.  Sun is out and a gentle breeze is keeping me comfortable.  The green is coming out on the Meadow and soon the geese will be feeding.  They are ready. I guess they will be nesting soon too.  We have one or two to build nest in shrubby sometime.  I see Bluebirds fliting about, but can't see if they are building nest yet.  We seem to be waking up around nature this morning.  SPRING is in the air and welcomed. I had pimento cheese in my scrambled egg this morning. Good-try it. I eat a balanced diet and hope it goes a long way to good health, but no matter how hard I try, I still have trouble controlling some part of my health.  But old man age must be worked in.  Can't stop the aging process. 



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