May 31, 2021


I watched the annual  Memorial Day program on PBS last night.  I am sure they will show it again today.  Different with no crowds but just as good.  It took me back to our visit to Arlington and the sight.  So serene, quiet, peaceful, and moving.  So many young and many other  Vets  too.  It stirred my memories of WW11.  I was young and  really did not grasp the seriousness of the war at the time.  But since then, so many other wars have happened and it seems we never learn to get along.  Why?  

My heat is still off and I am cold this morning.  I needed Bitsy last night to keep me warm.  Hope the milder temp will help today.  Our MEMORIAL DAY lunch sounds good.  The entrees are Hamburger, or BB chicken, or the every favorite (of mine) hot dog.  I will put mine on a slice of whole wheat bread.  Have no wheat bun.  Of course we have the usual trimmings to go along.  Will have to pass on the Red Velvet Cheesecake or Apple Pie.  So Be It!!

BETTY (very thankful) BOOP

May 30, 2021


Oh dear. Boiler out again.  Talked to Maintenance just now.  Our Madison building is without heat and is blowing cold air. Working on a new part and it is coming.  Till then-a sweater and long pants is the dress of the day.  I hate being cold.  But others are worse off than me.  I will survive and be thankful for what I have.  (I guess). 

On a happy note: Jan came yesterday and brought the best lunch!!  We ate in the Bubble as it was a  cool wind blowing outside.  The chicken salad was from a place I have not had before. CHICKEN SALAD   CHICK!! Catchy name?  Was so fresh and tasted so good.  Enjoyed it as well as a good visit-face-to-face-no mask!!  Can't get over the good feel of no mask.  Progress. For sure.  

BETTY(stay warm) BOOP

May 29, 2021


Ever tried one? Very good.  You may have to try to get it perfect, but it is worth the effort.  Kind of special.  66 degrees and wind blowing.  Gathered my robe tight.  Sun shinning, it will warm to a beautiful Saturday.  Saturday always seems special.  A break from work or school-day before Sunday. This time it is Memorial Day weekend and some have special plans  I have been looking at my flower pots on the balcony.  One big pot seems to always be a disaster.  Everything I plant just withers and dies.  Amy said I have "pot  trouble".  It seems so.  I need to have it hauled to the dumpster and  just buy a new one.  My don't I have troubles?  I need to just sign off and go do my laundry. 



May 28, 2021


 Finally made it to the Cyber for  breakfast as BS & BP readings were  normal and I woke up early enough to just go.  Why not?  Little pleasures help my outlook.  It turns out Cyber pancakes are  as good as eggs over light.  I had one pancake, sugar free syrup, scrambled egg, bacon (real) and the ever loving coffee.  Two cups when you add one for the road (Balcony).  My it was good.  If I have to pay for it later, I hope it will be worth it.  You know all that feast just cost $4.25.  Try that at Pancake House.  It would be a little more I am sure.  So a good start for my day.  At first this morning, it looked like rain.  But so far none and the sun is coming out.  I am thinking about a new display on my Hall table.  Of course it is Beach Week theme.  You should see the one in the Lobby that was put up yesterday.  They put put memos for contributions from residents and  they really flowed in. Everyone it seems loves the ocean and beach.  It is a very pretty sight down there in the  Lobby.  The whole mood is changing around here, since some restrictions have been lifted.  Makes a world of difference in the whole mood.  So Be It.


May 27, 2021


69 degrees this early in the day. my what will it be later? Well this is the South-should expect it.  I fully intended to eat breakfast in the Cyber Cafe. When I tested my blood sugar at 6 this morning, it was so low that it scared me.(I scare easy), so I could not wait till it opened at 7:30.  Maybe tomorrow?  Maybe I will just pick up lunch there.  I would have missed Mr. Man in  Shorts and cap, or MISS BIG HAT LADY, and MISS LADY IN SHORTS.  She was caring weights in each hand.  Adding more strength. I use  weights also, but I bet hers are heavier than mine.  

I watched the new class started yesterday.  Line Dancing.  It was full and only one man.  He was having a ball.  He must have danced before.  Loved the music and the swaying of their bodies.  Old but alive.  Was fun to watch.  With my lack of good balance, I could not do that. Fun to watch.  The teacher was skilled in teaching "old folks."  Good job and fun for all. May I add, without mask?  Will leave you now with that picture in mind.

BETTY(wish I could dance)BOOP    

May 26, 2021


According to me-I declare it to be National Egg Week. Can't I do that?  O. K. maybe it requires an Act of Congress!!  Anyway. the thought came to me when I was deciding how to make an interesting Blog.  Eggs are enjoyed the world over.  All kinds of eggs are eaten.  I prefer chicken.  And the many ways to cook them are endless.  Egg in a hole, poached (used to have a 3 egg poacher), soft boiled, fried, scrambled, with many things added. Oh, I could go on and on.  And I will. How about stuff them with many, many things,, Easter Egg dyed,  fancy egg dishes that even Julia Child never heard of. My fridge calls them staples and I always have them.  You can even put them in many baked things and dishes galore.  The best part-my Dietician Daughter says. eat them they will not hurt you.  So, I continue to explore the many ways to celebrate eggs.  This morning mine was soft boiled--no clean up.  !!!Of course a little turkey bacon and a slice of cinnamon raisin toast  fresh orange and coffee added a lot to my egg-of-the-morning. Think about it and see what you come up with.  

BETTY (searching for topics) BOOP 

May 25, 2021


As I watched the Lake this morning, a flock of geese swam in.  I counted 40 in one group  and then there were more groups coming in.  I thought about Conventions.  The geese reminded me of the many I have attended over the banking years of T's career. It was exciting to go visit big cities in those days, for I had not yet traveled the world as we did later. New things like beautiful hotels and new foods.  I was from the big city of Jackson, but N. Y. and Chicago were bigger for sure.  These geese reminded me of those days.  They seemed to break up into small groups for meetings and then gather together for big events.  Some seem to break off to pursue the many sights to see. Banking and Real Estate were in their "Hey Day" and our bosses  spared no expense in letting their men spend money.  It was suppose to be work, but we enjoyed every minute of the experience .  Oh, yes, MISS BIG HAT SWEPT BY  and before her--MISS LADY IN SHORTS AND BASEBALL CAP came rushing by.  Oh, they make me tired.!!!!


May 24, 2021


 As I sit, the temp is going up  up up. - 67 now.  But still pleasant on my Balcony.  Coffee is good. breeze is nice.  What will I do today?  Not many options for me.  Walking is good,  will do that.  Plan lunch, and dinner too.  I am a big fan of planning.  Sometime the best made plans don't go as planned.  I planned to go to Cyber for breakfast and then changed my mind.  I needed that comfort food oatmeal.  They only have instant in Cyber.  I like the old fashioned kind=the kind you cook.  Maybe I will go tomorrow for those egg-over-light that they cook so good. (little sausage would be good) There is an art to cooking eggs any way you cook them.  They are not hard to do, but must take care and do it right.  I haven't had an egg-in-hole lately.  Maybe that will be the next way I cook my breakfast egg.  Here I am talking about food again.  That is o. k.  It is a good and safe subject. So on with the Show.

BETTY (Crocker) BOOP

May 23, 2021


Can't imagine doing without them.  I read different kinds.  Right now a mystery has me hooked.  I thought about not staying with it, because it is so violent but here I am turning the pages  to see what is next.  C J. BOX is the writer.  Takes place in Wyoming. A series, I discovered.  Only one in large print that we have..  Maybe one will be enough..  But if you like mysteries, this is a good one.  Next I will read a romantic novel by Rae Anne Thayne.  Another sort of continued one as it is about the same family.  I kind of like those, you get to know the people and their ups and downs.  Kind of like real life.  Keeping it fresh and interesting.  So Be It.


May 22, 2021


Here I sit, nice breeze, lovely sun shinning (good for the flowers sitting in my flower pots on Balcony.) saw MISS BIG HAT, also man with two dogs taking him for  walk, ducks floating on that beautiful Lake that I love, best waffles for breakfast, and all seems well--why can't I write an interesting Blog anymore?   Am I loosing that too?  Things changing around here.  More opening up.  Maybe I am so locked into the change  that I feel a little reluctant  to move out of this little safe place I have been living in for over a year.  The mind is a tricky thing and it can fool you. We still have not opened the dinning room, where I used to gather with friends to talk, catch up, and enjoy eating together.  Maybe that is what I need.  I do know this--I have to clean up my table manners and stop eating with my hands and with food landing in my lap, and crumbs on my chin.  Buck up old girl, the best is yet to come.  


May 21, 2021


Miss Big Hat briskly went by.  Dressed in all beige and white.  Hat the same (flower pot size) short white jacket, beige pants, white gloves and shoes.  

I guess she has a problem with the sun or at least she is trying to prevent one.  She  will be hot-but protected from the sun rays.  I am sorry for laughing at her, but she seems so out of place.  I got to thinking as I was chastising myself for laughing, sometime things are not what they seem, and I am sorry to judge others.  That said--let 's enjoy others the way they are. judge not they you be not judged.  Just dealing with this, that, and the other today.  So don't judge me!  


May 20, 2021


Actually it is nice-73 and a breeze.  Saw one walker.  A man I could not place, and  one man fishing on other side of Lake, also.  Think it is my neighbor who just loves to fish and he catches a lot.  I guess he throws them back, since I have not smelled fish-a-frying!!!  Thanks for that.  I believe  we will have a sunny day.  Need some sun.  

Well, I seem to have a "writers block", can't come up with a single thing to tell you.  You must be bored with my breakfast.  Although it is always good, it is something you must get tired of hearing. So, I will go, need to do a little laundry and maid is coming this afternoon, so I must "pick Up".


May 19, 2021


I love the old crows.  They talk to each other like people.  Hold conversations and then move on. I like to imagine what they are saying to each other.  The sun is peeking out, my little plants need some sun.  More rain is on the way, so they say.  I had breakfast in the Cyber Cafe  What a treat. I had my usual plus  a wonderful  fresh fruit cup.  Fruit was ripe and ready!!.. Brought their (better than mine) coffee up to Balcony--so a good start for today.  Good news. Mask wearing for us had ended.  We can go without in most areas.  I met smiling faces and words of joy as I walked the halls this morning. My friend who I call Happy, stopped me to say she had on lipstick, and earrings and no mask.  I was so happy to see her smile.  I think we will all feel good to see each others smiles as we get one more thing crossed off out "duty" list.  Everyone that I know has been so good at following the rules.  Way to go.



May 17, 2021


I had visitors  !!  Now what a treat.  A. & B. T. & J. and  a newbie--Leo.  He looked my place over and decided he liked it.  I gave him a gift of Hot Wheels (trucks) of course.  He played with my toy rabbits and teddy bear.  Not a lot to offer him, but he had fun with what he had.  He can talk a lot, laugh big, run and    eat raisins by the handful!  I enjoyed every minute of their visit.  His mom and dad are perfect parents.  Every little child should be so lucky.  Of course they were raised right too.  It all goes down to parents, I guess.  What a joy and responsibility.  It is worth every thing it entails.  So down to earth this morning, and I will get on with the day-after all the Lord made it-enjoy.


May 16, 2021


Leo is coming to visit !!  Finally I will meet him in person.  I feel like I already know him, because I am kept up-to-date by  his thoughtful parents and grandparents too.  But to really meet him is something I look forward to.  Oh, yes, he is bringing his Mom & Dad and Nana too.  We will visit for a while and then they will let us say" hit the road" for more new experiences.  So lucky.  Wish them well.  They have much to be thankful for.  Got to go now, tell about it later.  


May 15, 2021

62 and sunny

Nice on Balcony.  Warmer than inside.  Still boiler trouble.   Notice is that they have a couple more parts on order.  Be patient and understanding.  That I am--but Baby It's cold in here.  I just walked back inside and the heat seems to be on for now.  Yeh
Breakfast this morning was Whole wheat  waffles with sugar-free syrup (very good) and an orange and fruit drink and coffee.  That out of the way, lets continue.  My energy is very low as I battle a small problem.  It seems low energy is going to me a norm for me and I do not like it.  Sure keeps me from doing the things I really want to do.  Maybe this too, will soon pass-one way or the other,  BE STILL and wait.



May 13, 2021


I got to eat my breakfast  IN THE CYBER!!  Now that said, It does now sound that wonderful, but it is.  I still was eating from plastic but it was a big step forward. It was served at a table for one with a smile.  I praised the workers and that was welcomed.  I brought a Cyber coffee up to the balcony and still enjoyed the outside.  It is warmer out there than inside, as my building is suffering from boiler problem-part ordered and still coming.  Oh, well I did have my electric blanket and slept warm.  I am looking forward to meeting my latest great grandchild this week.  They are traveling to new home and work.  He sounds so smart and sweet and I am looking forward to meeting him (and his great parents soon.)  The e-mail is lit up with all my family getting excited to go to BEACH WEEK.  I still am on the fence about going this year.  It all sounds wonderful, but also a little scary.  This year has really taken a lot out of me.  Of course time does march on for all of us, but I am not sure I can take "all that fun" just now.  We will see.  I have not completely ruled it out.  Please pray for me that I will make the right decision



May 12, 2021


Not a  very pleasant combo !!!!  So here  I am inside looking out.  It was most certainly  an  oatmeal  morning.  Stewed apples good on top,  You may think  of oatmeal as a winter cereal.  For me it is year around.  So many things you can  put on top.  

Are you a fan of HALMARK on TV?  I have been looking at a series called WHEN CALLS THE HEART for a few seasons.  I was glad it is coming back in the Fall for another season.  It ended this time as I wanted it to. It is a good clean and romantic show.  Fun to keep up with it.  Call me old fashioned, but the real world's news is enough without made up drama. It is o. k. to have good stuff to watch, even though it is sometime not real.  I have been trying to read one of James Mitchener's books.  This one is hard to read.  I know he is a good writer. but I struggle with it sometime.  I force myself to try and understand him, but he gets kind of deep and a little carried away.  He has written so many  and I am trying to read a few of them.  Oh well. it keeps my mind working.  Nothing but good with that.



so sweet  

May 11, 2021

65 & cloudy

I was determined to sit on Balcony, even though my chair seats were wet from rain.  I dragged a chair from my inside table out on balcony and wrapped up warm and for a few minutes enjoyed the fresh air.  Pretty "fresh", so I had to give it up.  I had a daughter # 1's favorite way to cook a fast breakfast.  She made this for herself when she was working and time was short for  Soft  three minute boiled egg, mixed with instant grits.  Very quick and good.  I am still happy about my new Dentist.  Daughter # 3 took me to her dentist yesterday.  It was such a good experience.  My former one had been bothering me for some time. So I changed.  Something that is not like me, but change can be a good thing.  This was right.  I also got a good report and all is well.  Thank you, A.  And CHICK-FIL-A'   was a treat to bring home for lunch.   So , I am still enjoying the Mother's Day cabin campout.  Was also a beautiful treat.  Good Memories in the Memory Bank (for later check out.)   Must go and get  on with the day.  Thankyou Lord for it.



May 10, 2021


Not  just the weather, though it was perfect, but with the family that could come, was priceless.  We talked, talked, and talked and laughed, laughed, and ate fantastic food (by the best cooks anywhere,) sat outside at night by a roaring campfire(by M. G,) ate S'mores told tales, went to bed and slept, woke up to the Master Cook's breakfast.  One morning, eggs, grits, mountains of fresh fruit, real bacon and biscuits. Next morning to Chef T"s world class pancakes and more fruit, Lots of coffee. I will not try to write the rest of the dinners and lunches. Things like grilled salmon, steak, hamburgers, even fresh veggies,  Just understand it is not run-of-the-mill--just what we do.  Our family is special, in lots of ways and I am proud of them all. We have, like many families, many traditions.  This one is a KEEPER.





May 7, 2021


YES  THE LORD made it and it is the day we go on a family campout in for ever it seems.  Lovely State Park and Lake in north Mississippi.  L & J are coming, R & M. A & E. J. &T. , S & P, and this old Lady  We plan to have the tried and true foods, and sit by the fire, I add.  Inside when it gets too cool out by the fire.  S-Mores of course.  Pancakes by the master Mr. T., And talk, talk, talk, and read, walk and be still and take in the beauty of outdoors (without MASK===will it be great?   You bet.  Thank you Lord for this day and for the weekend we look forward to. 

BETTY (happy camper) BOOP   


May 6, 2021


We all have them.  Mine started before I got out of bed!!  I was cold.  Still don't understand it but I turned the thermostat  up to 80 and it came up.  Next I tried to call in to say I was up and here and my phone would not work.  Took it apart and now can't  put it back together.  Went to my old fashioned phone in the office and it is working.  So I must get someone to look at the other hand held set.  Then kind of low sugar reading made me jittery and hungry, and had trouble getting a decent breakfast "down the hatch), as my old Navy  guy used to say, I am still cold as I sat on balcony drinking coffee.  Talked to myself about blessings and decided I could handle my self.  My "old" lap top is being very slow  slow  slow  slow slow this morning. Oh,  I got troubles MAN .Small,==== but mine.!!!



 morning.  Maybe it   

May 5, 2021


STORMY WEATHER-A song title--"Me and my gal ain't together."  Who sang that?  From some old movie that I can't remember. But yesterday, it really was a storm!!  I stood safely away from windows and watched the rain, lightning, wind and listened to weather folks describe it all.  Much damage was done, especially big, big trees falling on homes.  All is calm this morning.  Just cool and cloudy.  Hoping for nice weather for our annual Mother's Day campout.  Planning on it!!!    Hey, ever tried raisins in your oatmeal?  Why not, you eat it in dry cereal.  They warm and plump up and you get a real taste of the grape. It is obvious, I have little to write this morning, so I will get to the day and see what it brings.  You never know what is in store.  

BETTY (just wondering) BOOP   

May 4, 2021


Pretty shade  of pink?  I think so.  Did you hear the shocking news?  Bill Gates and wife are splitting up.  So money can't buy happiness after all.  I did not  ever believe it could, although it helps.  Sad, I do not know details, that is not my business, but still sad.  Something good--I picked up my breakfast from Cyber.  So good and easy, although I have to put on that "happy" face before coffee.  Met Nick, our food manager.  He calls me Mom because he told me that I remind him of his small, petite , sweet mother who passed last year.  How sweet of him.  Also met my friend that I call "HAPPY".  She was on her way to early Mass. Always a cheery laugh and greeting.  So I did start out good and hope the rest of my day is good too.  And I hope your day is good also. 


May 3, 2021


It was bound to happen.  I love to watch reruns of EVERYBODY LOVES RAYMOND TV show.  To me it is one of the most clever written and  funny shows.  I guess I know every word of the scripts.  But still I watch often.  Last night I had a dream, where I was an actor in the show.  So real that it is still with me.  I was just another one of them, acting silly and stupid.  Only acting I ever did was on stage here at SCV with the group who put on plays written by  residents,.  You know how unpolished those scenes were.  Not in this dream====I was a real actor doing my part to make that show one of the best comedy shows of my time.  Wonder what that dream could indicate?  Am I a show-off at heart?  And too timid to speak up?  Yes in a way I am that. Always craving attention and thinking of myself....I did not want to go pick up breakfast or to cook this morning,  so Jimmy Dean came on the scene.  With a beautiful fresh orange in one hand an coffee in the other hand. I had a good breakfast with coffee on the Balcony==what could be better.


P. S. Can't beat egg white, sausage, on a whole. wheat  English muffin.   .  

May 2, 2021


 hope so.  Because I had a double dose for breakfast.  A generous sprinkle in oatmeal. along with the perfect banana and then a slice of raisin cinnamon toast (thanks to J, for talking about the cinnamon toast. )  Had to have some.  It is good with that old turkey bacon.  And not to mention coffee.  The morning was fresh from a light rain.  66 degrees is also perfect.  Everything seems o. k. so far this morning.  I wonder what I can do to mess that up?  I am sure I will come up with something.  The Lord gives me these perfect days to start and being human (very) I manage, in some  way,  at the end of the day to regret some thought or action I make.  But yet, here I am still trying.  Great is Thy faithfulness unto me.       On a light note, I did get a hair cut.  And as I always say, "I got my money's worth."  For I now look like a little old shrinking, grey, man.  It will grow fast I hope   O well, who  cares?  Camping trip coming up.  Looking forward to being with the ones who can come.  Especially looking forward to Mr, T. making bacon and pancakes.  

BETTY BOOP (did you notice the color is in brown for cinnamon?) My table display with the little Gnomes & their houses is just as I pictured it.  I like it, it pays to plan ahead.  B. B.  

May 1, 2021


Sunrise was a beauty.  Ducks and geese getting along, birds singing, just great here at SCV.  People are happy for small lifted restrictions,  not there yet, but getting  closer.

I met MISS WHOLE WHEAT WAFFLES at breakfast.  Started with grapefruit and fruit juice for pills, turkey bacon and coffee. (sugar-free syrup).  Good start don't you think?  I woke once during the night and started thinking about what fun I will have today.  I have been planning a new tablescape for my hall table  that I manage.  Can't wait to see it finished.  I have gnomes as the theme.!!  My hold over from childhood when I loved dolls.  Had a few and played a lot.  Then came paper dolls Do I dare tell you that I played with them till I was 14 years  old.  Then discovered real boys.  I have told about that before, but what a contrast in little girls between my time and now.  But even paper dolls could wear makeup, dress beautifully,  fall in love for first time, get married, have babies.  Yes they could and mine did.  So life goes on and I say SO BE IT.