May 17, 2021


I had visitors  !!  Now what a treat.  A. & B. T. & J. and  a newbie--Leo.  He looked my place over and decided he liked it.  I gave him a gift of Hot Wheels (trucks) of course.  He played with my toy rabbits and teddy bear.  Not a lot to offer him, but he had fun with what he had.  He can talk a lot, laugh big, run and    eat raisins by the handful!  I enjoyed every minute of their visit.  His mom and dad are perfect parents.  Every little child should be so lucky.  Of course they were raised right too.  It all goes down to parents, I guess.  What a joy and responsibility.  It is worth every thing it entails.  So down to earth this morning, and I will get on with the day-after all the Lord made it-enjoy.


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