May 19, 2021


I love the old crows.  They talk to each other like people.  Hold conversations and then move on. I like to imagine what they are saying to each other.  The sun is peeking out, my little plants need some sun.  More rain is on the way, so they say.  I had breakfast in the Cyber Cafe  What a treat. I had my usual plus  a wonderful  fresh fruit cup.  Fruit was ripe and ready!!.. Brought their (better than mine) coffee up to Balcony--so a good start for today.  Good news. Mask wearing for us had ended.  We can go without in most areas.  I met smiling faces and words of joy as I walked the halls this morning. My friend who I call Happy, stopped me to say she had on lipstick, and earrings and no mask.  I was so happy to see her smile.  I think we will all feel good to see each others smiles as we get one more thing crossed off out "duty" list.  Everyone that I know has been so good at following the rules.  Way to go.



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