June 12, 2018


I guess I have always wanted a cat like Bitsy.  I also had a buried wish to have a cat to sleep with me.  I never thought that would happen.  I used all sorts of excuses not to let her or any other cat sleep in my bed.  But alas excuses fade and wishes prevail.  I love her sleeping with me.  I know she is watching me.  Kind of like God sent a little angel kitty to watch over me.  She watches my every move as I go about the routine of going to bed at night.  And about a minute after I lay down and settle for sleep. she hops up ever so softly and curls us close( but not to close) and off we go to dreamland.  I guess she gets up during the night, but she never disturbs me.  Next morning she gets up before me and takes watch on the floor by my bed.  The minute I open my eyes, we say good morning to each other.  Up I get to start the day.  Blood pressure and blood sugar check first.  She sits patiently till I finish, because she knows her breakfast comes next.  I could take lessons from her in patience.  She has been a blessing through all this stuff I am going through. 

My numbers have been good the last few days.  Now I am waiting (patiently) to have my feelings to match.

Oh, yes, the Balcony was nice this morning.

Betty Boop

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