June 8, 2018

Psalms 127 :3

If you do not have a Bible handy--"Children are a gift from the Lord. they are a real blessing."  no truer words have been written, to. me. than these.  I love them all.  My girls, their husbands, my grandchildren, great grandchildren and their spouses.  They are all a blessing from the Lord.  I read this and must have liked it because it was highlighted in my Bible.  Can't remember doing that, but I did.  My Bible is well marked.  I find a lot of good advice there and underline when it seems to speak to me.  I feel so humble since this latest little bump in the road.  So many people have helped me. 

I sat in the Bubble while Barbara cleaned my apartment.  What a relief to have her clean.  She is such a good person.  Everyone loves her. I do too.  I am having lunch with Betty(my good friend.)  She called and said lets do catfish today.  I will have baked and she might have fried.  Both are pretty good, most of the time.  Just like when I cooked at home.  Some days the food is better than others.  So Be It.  My motto.


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