July 26, 2018


Even the birds seem to be observing the"dog days" So quiet--not a peep.  I saw three Nuns walking.  Two of them were visitors I think.  Sister  (can't remember her name) seemed to be leading them and showing them around the Lake.  Mass is at 9 and I guess they were getting a walk in after breakfast and before Mass.  You can't tell them from anyone else.  I bet they are glad to wear normal clothes, especially during this hot weather. All the ones I have met are very special people.  They work hard.

You know what I miss about being so confined?  SHOPPING  I miss Dillards and I am sure they miss me or go bankrupt!  Almost everything in my closet is from there.  Of course the grocery store comes in second. Oh well, So Be It.  I always say.  Different stage.  It is funny how the older you get the more you notice changing phases.  Seems I am finding out how many Dr's I can get to know. I slept 9 hours last night.  I guess  I needed it, something else I always say.  Be back when I have something new to say.

Betty Boop    

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