July 15, 2018


No birds in sight from the Balcony.  Where are they?  I searched for something to write about.  I saw a movement on the rail of the balcony and it was a little bug an inch long with six legs that were churning fast.  My they can travel fast. I don't know much about the bug kingdom.  As I watched him {her} travel I wondered what the hurry?  It went to the end and stopped. went under and out and back the way it came.  Then I noticed another bug and it just flew away, but my little guy just kept on his path back where I first noticed it.  He went under the rail and I waited a while and looked closely.  It was just sitting and looking around.  Boreing story?  But I still wonder, and watch.

I am planning on going to Church.  Haven't been able to go for a while and I miss it.  I am glad I grew up in a family where Church was an important part of my life.  Sometime even early training does not stick.  I am glad mine did.  It has guided me throughout my lifetime.  I am grateful for the guidance that has  instilled in me.  My girls feel it too. 

Betty Boop

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