August 8, 2019


Yes, just going with the flow. Being lazy while I am not feeling guilty about it.  On the Balcony just now, I saw at least two dozen Canada Geese feeding on the meadow across the Lake.  It seems they are trying a comeback to our Lake.  I hope they behave and not have to be shooed away again.  They can be very aggressive. And people who walk the path around the Lake don't especially like that.  Can't blame them. 

I guess I am doing very well since tooth extraction.  Being very careful about how and what I chew.  No pain or swelling.  That is good and I am thankful for that. Don't really like Jello. but it goes down very well.  So does scrambled eggs. and grits.  Southern girls love grits.  Poor Yanks don't know what they miss when turning their nose up to grits.  I hear that you can buy grits at some grocery stores up North.   So be it!!

Betty Boop

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