August 10, 2019


On the Balcony--Nothing moving. This heat had been really bad.  Dog Days of Summer. Old saying.  People  used to use these sayings to make a point.   Many of them are remembered and still used.  Like the dog days of summer.  Need to look it up, but you can imagine what it means.  It is so hot that even the dog only wants to lie in the shade.  No  people  walking and not even the birds are singing or eating the bread crumbs I put out for them.  I plan to stay in and stay cool. 

I got my script for the new play we will be doing  in September.  I have all of one line--but it is a long one.   Think I can handle it? Actually I am glad.   The dressing up and being on stage is what I really like.  Jan just called and both she and Tommy will eat lunch with me.   Good day, when I get to see two.  Saturday's can be long without someone coming to visit.


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