September 2, 2019


We never made too much over Labor Day as a celebration.  Just an ordinary day off from work.  When we worked outside of the home, it was nice to get a day off, but later, when retired-it was just another day.  Now, I will have a nice lunch in the dinning room and just enjoy my friends.  I saw a man fishing early. Hope he had luck.  It is nice for those who live here who like to fish to walk right out and just do it.  I am sure they throw them back.  Truman used to fish and hunt and I cooked whatever he brought home.   Just like his Mother did.  He really did enjoy fishing and hunting as a boy growing up,,  I have heard many stories about it. 

My Poem Scrapbook is almost finished.  It is full.  I guess I need to hang up my talent and long yellow  legal  pad and pencil and call it quits.  I can't seem to make as much of it as I used to.  Ideas just wont come as the did at first. Maybe I am done.

Betty Boop