December 16, 2019


Good day to stay inside if you can.  Stormy weather on the way, so they say.  Yesterday at Church, our Choir sang so beautifully.  We had the piano & organ playing.  My what a joyful noise.  The whole service was outstanding.   Very moving.  Little happy gifts keep appearing at my door.  My, I have many thoughtful friends. 

Amy and I had lunch at one of our favorite places.  PANERA BREADS.  The have such good soup.  I seem to be into soups lately.  Homemade and not so homemade.  All good.  I am looking forward to my side of the family and Christmas.  Bless Paul & Sophie for having such a crowd to their home for Christmas Eve.  My Mother's tradition lives on.  We still marvel at how she did all she did.  She made everyone's favorite.  Fried chicken was the centerpiece.  It still is!!  I bring it, but Kroger cooks it now.  In her day, she would have been offended to buy it already cooked.   I am not bothered by that at all.

Betty Boop

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