January 13, 2020


Foggy this morning.  Rain later.  Weather report out of the way.  Yesterday at Church --wonderful sermon and music.  Got a real lift, as I should.  Aren't we blessed to live in a country like ours.   With all it's ups and downs, we need to remember that we don't even know what it  feels like not to be this free.  So much to be thankful for  Even the choice to go to  church.  Glad I make the choice, as long as I am able, to exercise the right to chose.  Enough of preaching again.  M.G,, Ryan, and Amy are getting to enjoy the Bubble for Sunday lunch.  It is nice, no crowds, little noise and great food they bring. Fresh Market was their choice.  They brought an assortment of salads and bread. So goooood.  I even used the left overs in a flour whole wheat tortilla for supper .Made myself a wrap I did!!  Ranch dressing made it very tasty.  Nothing like using leftovers in a good way. All in all it was a good day.   Bitsy enjoyed it,  she loves that part of her family.  She just about welcomes any visitor. She sits and takes in the conversation.  Really she does. We talk about it later.  Good to have someone to share your thoughts with.

Betty -cat lover- Boop

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