January 9, 2020


As  I ate a "bounty" of a breakfast, I watched the sun coming up over the Chapel's bell tower.  It was sending the most beautiful shade of rose and blue rays. I wondered if the Lord gets pleasure in seeing how beautiful he makes it?  I tried to select a color to write this morning like it.  Turns out, no artist can ever capture what God sends.  Speaking of breakfast-and- I usually do- mine was perfect.  I picked up a ham on rye for supper last night,  The cook was generous and heavy on the ham.  I only ate one half, it was so big.  So full of ham that I took some out and saved it with the other half in a zip lock bag. Now I have enough ham for two or maybe three breakfasts. Crafty?  It was good with the rye bread toasted (love rye toasted)  plus a soft boiled egg. Juice and coffee, of course. You have to make your on entertainment sometime.

 I talked to Linda yesterday.  Her birthday is coming soon.  They have plans to eat at nice restaurant to celebrate.  She sounded good and we talked about watching the big play off on Jeopardy .  Do any of you watch it? We both agreed who should win.  We will see. One more round should do it. How do those men know so much?  Well this is it for today.  Do you read me or am I just talking to myself.  Uh oh!  spooky!

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Karen Buffington said...

I have enjoyed the Jeopardy tournament. Ken wants to win, but James might. Ps..I read everyday and enjoy your daily goings on.