August 29, 2020


The mouse ran up the clock!! Guess what, he forgot to come down and that stopped the clock.  Time seems to have stopped--  In a bad spot.  In a way that is not true either.  Because time is flying by fast too. Here it is Saturday again. I really don't know what I am trying to say, except it is all so confusing .  Do you ever feel that way?
Let's go back to the Balcony. I am content there.  I saw a new couple this morning. Man and I assume it was his lady.  Rather young by the standard here.  They  went at a fast "clip".  More power to them.  Miss Big Hat came by (minus her big hat.)  Almost did not know her without her hat.  Little bugs of some sort are bothering me this morning.  They are so small that I can't see them, but I feel them in my nose and eyes. So I will go in and write-no bugs there.   By the way, have you been watching the conventions on TV? Can't tell who is telling the truth. So what else is new?  Somebody  get the mouse and see what he can do!!!  Maybe send us to another time, but where would that be?  Go figure.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Amy said...

I agree. Time seems to go fast and slow at the same time.