August 15, 2020


My computer has been out for a few days.  Made a house call to my nice son-in-law, to "cleaned it up" (as he calls it )-THANK YOU- and to MG & Amy who worked  to make some things more simple for me.  I hooked it up and held my breath till it came on.  I was afraid I would not remember where all those cords would go.  I guess I did it right because here I am.  I really missed it for a few days.  I will catch up tomorrow with the things out here and talk about the Balcony.  It has been nice out there lately and I missed my rambling words to whoever wants to read  them. I write as much for myself as for others to read.  But thank you for reading.

Betty Boop

1 comment:

Karen Buffington said...

Glad you're back. Missed you