August 7, 2015


Instead of telling you about the sale--I wrote a poem about it.  From my point of view. 

I rush down the crowded Hall.
With my pocket full of money.
Clear the way you'all
It is also very funny.

Just look at all the stuff!!!
Things from peoples past.
Of this I have enough.
Clearing out is indeed tough.

Oh! I need that blue angel for my collection.
And paper cocktail napkins too.
A picture for reflection,
Make me happy-how about you.

The proceeds go for a good cause,
I keep telling myself.
The thought makes me pause,
As I put treasures on my shelf.

Dot Ellis   August 2015

And another quote,  I am better at this than my own words.

Robert Fulghum has written:  The grass is not, in fact, greener on the other side of the fence .  Fences have nothing to do with it.  The grass is greenest where it is watered."

So I say, try to bloom where you are, but keep on the sunny side when possible.  Here I go preaching again.  This time it is more to me.

Betty Boop

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