November 9, 2021

45 & rising

 OH WHAT A BEAUTIFUL MORNING!!!  No I am not in Oklahoma--I am in Madison, on the famous (to me) Balcony.  The original Buble" family are dinning on wheat crackers and I just slipped a few Rye toast crumbs closer to my seat.  Will they come closer?  YES!!  One did come and did not tell the others.  Crafty? I just saw MR. BIG HAT go by. He walks with purpose-with a slow gait.  He will make it, I am sure.  MISS BIG HAT CAME ALSO  (not together).  So they don't know each other, just shop at same BIG HAT STORE? Here comes MR. RAM ROD STRAIGHT. He will make it too,  as well as the other faithful favorites I have.  Gives me material to write.  Have a good day to match this beautiful one.

BETTY(I plan to enjoy it)  BOOP 

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