November 8, 2021


Just men so far.  MR.VERY WHITE SHOES, MR.MAN WITH HIS COLLIE WALKING HIM, MR. FLOWER POT HAT.  Where are the Ladies of Morning? Amy and I were remembering ONE special  Man yesterday.  Her Dad and my "one and only." He had a quirky sense of humor.  She was his last shot at having a boy.(he always said it took a man to have daughters).  Not that he was ever disappointed to have 3 girls. For he loved them all so much.  But this last one came along after he began to feel success in his job and relaxed enough to enjoy life more.  He played with her more and treated her like "his little boy"  at times.  She remembered so many of his lame jokes and old fashioned sayings. Good memories to bring out and enjoy.  I tell you again-store sweet memories for later for they will sustain you and give you good feelings.  Many of the not so good will fade.  I promise.

BETTY (and she keeps her promises) BOOP  

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