February 25, 2022


Day before yesterday I opened the door to a light knock. There peeping out of his "doggie sling" around his mamas' neck, peeped out a beautiful creature. Wary of me, but still curious. M. G. snuck him in, for a visit. He brought his Grand Mommie too, "Amy." He is a beautiful little blondie. So quick to cover the new territories. He scouted out every corner. He had trouble meeting me till I gave him a bit of cheddar cheese, then we were friends. I miss having an animal for sure. Thanks for stopping by, come again, for I did enjoy your visit.. Oh, yes, his name is Pippin. Nice addition to the other two furry folks who live with them. Nobody but M. G. could plan his visit. We got away with bring him in for a visit, nobody saw him but me. Kind of wished we had been spied by friends, they would have loved him too.

BETTY(got away with it) BOOP

P. S. Maybe I could get a fish? No, they are not very cuddly. dot

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