February 22, 2022


I am talking weather now. Off the sun & then the clouds. They race by so fast; I can't keep up. Why do I try? What will be --- will be. I thought of the old Philosopher from the Bible Book of Ecclesiastes. You should read it once in a while. Depressing, but ends well. I am not depressed this morning, just thoughtful. I observed a new lady in the pool. At least I think she is new. Her approach was new. She was doing every kind of exercise you can do in the pool, (except swim). Waving her arms back and forth, jumping jacks for sure, walking and using pool toys like a child. Was she new or just getting her Dr's orders in place? Anyway, she was entertaining. Hope she did not see me looking. Another lady came in and first lady calmed down. I wondered if they eat breakfast before or after.  I bet it's both. Me? I cannot do without my great morning breakfast. And I don't need to tell you that oatmeal with all the trimmings is my way to start the day.  Come on, however you start your day, say," this is the day the Lord hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."

BETTY (rejoicing) BOOP

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