March 17, 2022


 Remember PRESTO PLANT, way out off North State St.? Not there anymore but it was booming in the 60'S  and 70's, maybe longer. can't remember. I looked it up and it is still a company. I had my first pressure cooker from there, coffee pot and many other appliances. Well I still have the hand mixer (it works), It was a salad shooter combined. And best of all, my 8 cup wonder, coffee pot. It came in handy when Mr. Coffee failed to show up. Amy helped me put it together yesterday. The top was a mystery to me because it had many parts.  I washed it and filled it and it took off perking like new. Coffee was good, and hot. That is one difference in the metal and the glass. And I sat on Balcony longer, because the coffee stayed hotter. Although it is a little trouble to wash, it has many parts, I don't mind, as I am after all retired and plenty of time on my hands. And I thought of all the appliances Truman brought home, as his Fondren Civitan Club kind of push them by selling some of their products. So DOWN MEMORY LANE  this morning.

BETTY (good road sometime) BOOP

p. s. good coffee too.

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