September 28, 2018

Early Start

Woke at 6:30. It was dark and cloudy. Got up and prepared early. I went down to breakfast about 8:oo.  Plenty of people there, I knew them all.  But I sat alone, not wanting to visit so early.  Two eggs over light, sausage patty, rye toast and coffee was what I wanted.  Behold, it was brought out--hot and fast.  May I add, with a " smile" and a "good morning."  How nice.  Barbara was there at the door when I returned and I picked up my devotional book and Bible and went to the Bubble to wait for her to clean.  I love cleaning day. when someone else does the work.  It was cloudy and smooth on the Lake.  Two ducks- no geese.  All quiet. Good place to meditate in the morning. 

I talked to friend Betty.  We will lunch together. About all I have planed but something will turn up, I know.  How blessed can I be?

Betty Boop

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