September 21, 2018


I slept late.  7 is getting a slow start.  Nothing pushing so I will enjoy.  Lunch with the girls is always on tap for Friday.  Baked fish is good.  If I don't get a hair cut I will look like Harpo Marks or someone like that. Next week I plan to do that.  In the meantime I will have to try to tame it.  Too late to sit on Balcony--the sun has taken over too much of shade.  So I sit here at computer with that second cup of coffee.  Coffee--funny how I have come to prefer it to hot tea.  Maybe when the weather changes, I will too.  People say they don't want things changed--leave that alone, but that is not true.  I believe we are always looking for change and things to get better.  But in the long run we hold on to what is familiar  and what we like.   Gets confusing  doesn't it.?  I leave you to think about that. I am going to get on with the day.

Betty Boop

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