April 23, 2020


Cheers because the sun just peeped out.  It tried earlier and quickly dash back.  We need a little sunshine, don't you think? Always makes thinks look better.  I have rediscovered Garrison Keeler.  I think he is a great story teller with the voice to match.  He came to Jackson several years age and I got to go to his live program .  I loved it.  Linda and Joe were here and Truman and I went to see him.  My old tapes from long ago just melted with age and I threw them away when I moved.  Jan gave me a collection of them on CD's and I had not played them for a while.  Sorting out "stuff" I found them again.  Bitsy likes his voice too.  LAKE WOEBEGON sounds like the ideal place to be now.

We are sadden to report 15 positive cases in isolation here.  We are advised to be diligent and don't let up on social distancing as well as all other precautions.  I am very careful and doing as recommended.  Well, I need that second cup-o=joe. 


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