April 4, 2020


It just can't do it.  I mean the cute and smart little 4 cup MR. COFFEE maker.  It can not do it's magic without coffee grounds!!  I made a very good breakfast with oatmeal, juice, toast with turkey bacon, tried to pour my coffee and very hot water came out.  O no!  Please don't let it be that I don't have coffee.   My mind quickly went to the big old 10 cup monster of a percolator that I had pushed to the back.  Then on close inspection of Mr. Coffee, I found I had failed to feed it with Mr. Kroger Mild Breakfast Blend. I felt pretty dumb.  Then I forgave myself and blamed the virus.  So much can I blame it.!!  It has not even come close to me (I HOPE).  Coffee was late but I still took to the Balcony.  Pretty good coffee if I do say so myself.  So I hope your day starts with no worse problem than only hot water in your coffee pot.!!!!

Betty Boop

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