April 1, 2020


It is how you look at it, if it were delightful or annoying.  I secretly think it is delightful.  I say this because it is not popular around here to like the Canada geese.  For good reason, since they are not exactly popular around here.  They are aggressive and messy and sometime to be afraid of.  Some have been chased and frightened by them.  Well saying that:  I saw a mama and a papa leading six very noisy and  healthy babies down the sidewalk as if they owned it!!!!  It really tickled me to think how proud they were of their new family.  They were honking very loud. I wonder where they had a nest?  And I have heard they stay where they are born.  If all those "couples"  I have seen, have a family. heaven help us. !!!

Guess that was one highlight for the day.  What was yours?

Betty Boop


Karen Buffington said...

The babies are so cute!! Have a good day.

Amy said...

What? No April Fool’s joke?

Dot said...

WHY SURE..... DID YOU SEE THE ELEPHANT IN YOUR BACK YARD?? APRIL FOOL I also reread Truman's joke about the run-a-way cat. remember? MOM